Odious / adjective / O.di.ous
If you wish to refer to something or someone being detestable and vile, then the word odious is perfect for the occasion. Odious describes someone or something that is extremely unpleasant or repulsive. It can be used in a sentence as an adjective, noun, or adverb.
The word odious is derived from the Latin word odium, which translates to hatred. Shakespeare used the term in Othello “You told a lie, an odious damned lie.”
In a Sentence
The workmen odiously tore the house apart; there was no salvaging anything.
The odiousness of her character put many suitors off.
It’s hard to forgive someone that tells an odious lie about me.
Hateful, Vile, Contemptible
Delightful, Charming, Agreeable
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